How I met with the Trinity?

 Being born in Hindu family I have been introduced to Bharma, Visnu and Mahesh. The trinity, who runs the universe through their powers. Different power have been assigned to different gods , Bahram have power of creation and knowledge. Vishnu have power of nourishing  the universe. Mahesh or Shiva is the destroyer. These all seem good but I move ahead I thought these are only myths and stories their is no on who is doing this, which is partially right and wrong. 

This article is about showing these god and realized what is  by the Trinity. Trinity is power as mention above with their work in the universe. So our body is close to us and is a complete system in it. 
So if we see human head is the palace of Brahma where does he lives. As we get our all information through head all the sensor are their to get information of world around us. The mind itself lives there the center of all information. So brahma is the human head.

Now next is Vishnu he lives in the middle part of human body where human body get nourished through oxygen which is taken to heart then taken to body which keep us alive. Food in taken to intestine which then nourished body through nutrient we get from food. 

Lower human body is palace of Mahesh as every waste is destroyed through lower part of human body and which also move us through one place to place and prepare for new knowledge.

Now this concept can be move to more subtle or more gross for i.e. from atoms to universe.


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